International jury
The international jury will meet at two moments. One in October 2021 to select 10% to 15% of the anonymous entries. The second, end November, to choose the winners and runners-up.
The jury will be composed by:
3 international personnalities
3 local authorities representatives
5 urban, landscape and architecture specialists

Carlos Arroyo
(ES)Carlos Arroyo is the founder and director of Carlos Arroyo Architects, a Madrid-based firm with works in Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, UK and Rwanda, exploring a varied range of fields with a special emphasis on sustainable development and research into new forms of housing. His benchmarks include the first C2C certified building in France, the first six star certified green building in tropical Africa, or a building already labeled as heritage (patrimonium voor de toekomst) in Belgium.His work is published worldwide as well as featured in major exhibitions like the Venice Biennale, Paris’s Centre Pompidou, or Seul’s Dongdaemun Design Plaza.
He has been a guest professor and lecturer at many universities and institutes all over the world including Princeton, MIT, BerlinTU, Bauhaus, Politecnico di Milano and Tokyo University.
He currently teaches at the Universidad Europea de Madrid (ES), where he is Academic Curator of the Master in Architecture.

Pol Esteve Castelló
(ES)Architect, researcher and teacher. Their work focuses on the relationship between space, technology and perception with an interest for non-canonical architectures, histories, and bodies. He is the co-founder of the architecture office GOIG based in London and Barcelona. GOIG focuses on reuse and restoration to design spaces for art, education and living.
They is currently a Studio Master in the Architectural Association and a PhD candidate at The Bartlett, UCL. In the past, they has been co-director of the AA visiting School in Brussels, a teaching assistant in History & Theory in the AA and visiting lecturer in the Royal College of Art and Central Saint Martins, UAL. Esteve’s research work has been published and exhibited by Abitare, Arch+, Architectural Review, ArkDes, Bedford Press, CCCBarcelona, Friedman Benda Gallery, MacGuffin, Matadero, Migrant Journal, Pin-Up Magazine, Theatrum Mundi, Villa Noailles and Vitra Design Museum, between others.

Nel Vandevannet
(BE)Project Director of the City of Brussels at the Department of Public Heritage (Patrimoine Public — Openbaar Patrimonium) since 2019 and President-Voorzitster of MAD Home of Creators, a platform bruxelloise that gathers expertise from the city’s Fashion and Design sectors. Here, she puts her professional experience at the benefit of this network aiming to position it to better respond to the needs of these economic and creative fields. Prior to her current leading positions she was the Director of Belgian Operations at the International Organization Médecins du Monde, from 2015 to 2018. She also performed as Business Leader at RITCS Royal Institute for Theatre Cinema & Sound between the years 2014 – 2015.

Valerie Depaye
(BE)Director at ERIGES. She holds a master degree in Romance philology from the University of Liège and she is trained in marketing and socio-economic management. She has been leading the implementation of the Master Plan of Seraing (an industrial city of 65 000 inhabitant) since the creation of the autonomous local authority ERIGES in 2007. Prior to that, she collaborated with and directed the economic development agency AREBS. Before these 11 years of collaboration, she was professor of French language in various establishments in Liège.
She is passionate — among other things — about urban planning, “living in the city” and brownfield reconversion. Since 2017 she is part of Expertalia, a network of experts founded by the AJP (Association des Journalistes Professionnels francophones et germanophones) to diversify by gender and origin the access to expertise.
Since 2020, she’s involved in a university certificate on degraded land.

Hardwin De Wever
(BE)Director of the Urban Renewal Projects division at AG VESPA (City of Antwerp) and Professor of Design Studio at the University of Antwerp. Former president of the Flemish Association of Spatial Planners (2006−2008). He holds a Master in Architecture at UGent, a Master in Human Settlements at KULeuven and a Master in Urban Planning at UAntwerp, followed by a vast expertise in Urban Planning with focus in urban policy making, complex planning processes and concrete project management. He specializes in Urban planning policies, urbanistic supervision, capacity building, team management and participation with a particular regard and knowledge of the Antwerp Region. Here, his experience ranges from the coordination of the Spoor Noord project (2000−2008) to the direction and process management of urban strategic projects and programmes for AG Vespa and the City of Antwerp (2009−2021).
Internationally he has been involved in urban projects and policy making in Vinh City (Vietnam), Paramaribo (Suriname), Shantou (China) and Fort Portal (Uganda).

Eric Corijn
(BE)Cultural philosopher and social scientist, professor emeritus in social & cultural geography, vice chair of the Brussels Studies Institute, director of the Brussels Academy, member of the jury Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten Flanders and chair of think tanks Vooruitgroep and Aula Magna.

Lisa De Visscher
(BE)Lisa De Visscher is an architect-engineer, graduated from the University of Ghent and obtained a D.E.A in ‘urban architecture’ from the Ecole d’Architecture Paris-Belleville. She lived in Paris where she worked as an architect at Feichtinger architects, coordinated architectural exhibitions at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine and taught at the Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture. In 2005 she joined the office of Baumschlager Eberle Architects in Austria / Switzerland. Back in Belgium, she worked at Stad en Architectuur in Leuven and then moved back to Rotterdam to join the Neutelings Riedijk architecten office.
Since 2015, she has worked at A + Architecture in Belgium where she obtained the post of editor-in-chief of the magazine A + in 2017 and that of artistic director one year later. There she is responsible for the entire artistic project of the journal, up to architectural exhibitions and conferences, in collaboration with partners such as BOZAR and the VAi. She has published dozens of articles and several books on contemporary architecture and architectural policy, her research project. She has been a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of ULiège since 2009.

Phillipe RAHM
(BE)He is a swiss architect, born in 1967, principal in the office of “Philippe Rahm architectes”, based in Paris. His work, which extends the field of architecture from the physiological to the meteorological, has received an international audience in the context of sustainability. He represented Switzerland at the 8th Architecture Biennale in Venice in 2002, and was one of the 25 Manifesto’s Architects of Aaron Betsky’s 2008 Architectural Venice Biennale. His recent work has been awarded the first prize of renowned competitions in Milan (2019), Taiwan (2011) and France as well as nominations in China (2010) and Moscow (2008). He has participated in a number of exhibitions worldwide, published monographic books and host personal exhibitions. Besides his practice as professor and lecturer in AA School in London (2005−2006), the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture in Switzerland (2004 — 2005), the ETH Lausanne (2006 — 2007), the School of Architecture of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts of Copenhagen (2009−2010), the AHO in Oslo (2010−2011), Columbia University (2016), Princeton University and the GSD in Harvard University; he is the editor of the “Meteorology” column for the international architecture magazine Domus since 2018.

Laura Falcone
ITLaura Falcone
Architect, born in 1979.
In 2003 she graduated with honors from Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy). After various work experiences in Italy and abroad, from 2006 to 2009 she worked in the office of Pierre-Louis Faloci, in Paris (France). Since 2010, she has been collaborating with Bruna Vendemmia, with whom she set up 2d4, a Naples based firm experienced in delivering urban, community and residential projects. In addition to private contracts, 2d4 has carried out public works, after winning some design competitions. Among them: the regeneration of the historical City Center and the restoration of the Castello Baronale in Acerra (Italy); the renovation of the Municipal Market of Piazza Cavour in La Spezia (Italy).
2d4 was part of the team that won Europan 11 (Belgium, Sambreville site) and was then commissioned a master plan for the project site by the city of Sambreville.